If you cannot find a Will in any of the paperwork at the property, you should speak to other family members or loved ones to see if it was left with them.
You could also contact any local Solicitors that were used by the person who died to see if they have any records of a Will being made or in fact have the Will.
You can also check with the Probate Service to see if a Will has been registered there by writing to the Principal Probate Registry in London. If you find a Will, it will need to be sent to the Executor/s.
Some companies also offer Will searches for a fee.
Firstly you will need to break the news to friends and relatives, register the death and organise the funeral. It …
Read more Wills & ProbateIf the estate is valued at more than the nil rate band then the estate will usually have to pay …
Read more Wills & ProbateThis is the term used to cover everything that needs to be done to deal with an estate. It involves …
Read more Wills & ProbateYou can set aside money for her using a Discretionary trust, which will not affect her entitlement to state benefits.
Read more Wills & ProbateTo make a Will, you have to have capacity to understand what you own, what making a will actually means …
Read more Wills & ProbateThe Court has to give permission for a Statutory will. Statutory wills can be made by Deputies appointed by the …
Read more Wills & ProbateUnlike an intestacy, where children must take their inheritance at 18, if you make a Will you can specify at …
Read more Wills & ProbateAn executor is the person who has to deal with the deceased’s estate. Responsibilities include: paying of the deceased’s debts …
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